Thursday, December 20, 2018

Forgotten Cookies

2  egg whites
 Pinch of salt
 3/4 cup sugar
 1 teaspoon vanilla
 1 6-oz package of semi sweet chocolate pieces
 1 cup chopped pecans

 Beat egg whites and salt; add sugar gradually, beating until stiff. Fold in remaining ingredients; stir well. Drop by teaspoons on foil covered cookie sheet. Place in 350° oven and turn oven off. Leave cookies in oven overnight.
Do not open door.

 Yields 3 to 4 dozen cookies.

I  hand copied this recipe from my mother’s copy of a cookbook published by an organization in Charleston, South Carolina. Unfortunately I  no longer have access to the book since my mother has died, so I cannot credit them directly. I include it only because it is one of my favorite recipes,  with apologies for the lack of direct credit.